
Blackack You have to know, in fact, that over the past few years this game has conquered more and more users for several reasons. First of all because it is very fast, and especially because the rules are quite simple. If you are not an experienced enough player, we recommend reading this guide in which we will tell you about how to play blackack We will see the essential scores, the stages of the game, the rules to know absolutely and also some quick tips and strategies to increase your chances of winning.


Cem play blackack

In this game there is practically a clash between the one who sits at the game table and the dealer. The goal of the player is to be able to make a score of 21 or, at least, have a score equal to or higher than that of the dealer. It is essential, then, never exceed the score of 21. In the latter case, in fact, you will get high and lose a priori, whatever the dealer's score.

The dealer will deal two cards each. The player's two will both be uncovered. Only one of the bench, however, will be covered, while the other will be uncovered. And it is precisely on that on which the player must base his reasoning.

The latter, in fact, must decide to stop, if his score is already satisfactory, or ask for another card. Remember, however, that there is always the risk of getting high so you have to evaluate well the choice to take.

Scores to play blackack

Of course your essential goal when playing blackack Let's see what they are:

- from 2 to 10: in this case worth the score is their face value. In practice, 2 is worth two points, 3 is worth three points, and so on until 10.

- figure, Q and K: the figures, on the other hand, are all worth 10.

- Ace: This is the only card that has a double value. In practice, it can be worth both 1, and 11. You don't have to let the dealer know what value you prefer to give it because it will simply acquire the best value for your hand at the moment.

Knowing the value of the cards, we repeat, is really essential because it allows you to immediately understand if you need to ask for a card or if it is better to stop.

How to play blackack

When playing blackack Let's see in detail what they are and how much you can actually win.

- Dealer high score: If at the end of the hand your score is higher than that of the dealer, you will have won. This means that you will get a prize equal to twice your initial bet.

- BlackackAck: If the first two cards are a figure and an ace you will have made blackack This will guarantee you a win usually of 3 to 2. In practice, if you play 10 euros, you will get a prize equal to 15 euros net in addition, of course to the initial bet.

- Lowest dealer score: in this case you will have lost your hand and bet.

- Draw: If the dealer gets the same score as you, then you will split the stakes. Remember, however, that if you make Blackack If, on the other hand, you have obtained 21 ma with more than two cards, then your blackack

What Double, Insurance and Split mean

Those who want to know how to play blackack Let's talk about Double, Split and Insurance. Before you start talking about these three actions you could do at a blackack So, if you are interested, you can safely search for them and make sure, before starting to bet with real money, whether you can use them or not

- Double: If the first cards are interesting, you can decide to double the initial bet. Of course, there are limitations. For example, you cannot do this with a score above 17.

- Split: If the first two cards you receive have the same value, you can decide to split, that is, make your two cards, as if they were the first card of two different hands. To do this, you will need to place a bet equal to the initial bet on the table. The dealer will then give you two more cards, one for each hand, and you can play them as you like.

- Insurance: This can be done when the dealer has an Ace as the up card. With the insurance, in fact, by paying a figure equal to half the bet, you will be protected from a possible blackack In fact, in the event that the dealer makes his own 21 with Ace and Figure, you will receive back your bet.

The rule of 17

When you ask how to play blackack Without it, in fact, your chances of victory will be significantly lower. Let's talk about the rule of 17 that dealers must follow. In practice, many players did not feel it right for the dealer to play after the person sitting at the table and therefore had a nice advantage since he knew when to stop or when it was necessary to take a new card.

This, of course, was a nice advantage for the dealer not appreciated by the players, and to make the game fairer, this rule was introduced. Simply put, the dealer must always ask for a new card when he has a score of 16 or lower and must always stop when his score is 17 or higher.

With this rule, therefore, even if your score is 15 and the dealer has 16 and therefore would have won, he is forced to take a new card and therefore also has the risk of busting. Same thing happens, for example, even when you have 18 and the dealer 17. Obviously, the dealer who is at a disadvantage at that time would have every reason to ask for another card but cannot do so precisely because of this rule.

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